Making the Invisible Visible: ACFISA a Light
We decide to come together without distinction within an Association to better defend our interests and contribute to improving the living conditions of the Blind and Visually Impaired.

Our Mission
ACFISA (Training and social integration association for the blind) is an Association aiming to defend the interests of dealing with specific, moral, social, educational, material, economic and professional problems of the blind and visually impaired.

Bringing together the blind of Cameroon
Creating a united community of blind and visually impaired people across the country
Support global development
Encourage the economic, social and cultural development of our members
Promote professional integration
Finding solutions to integrate blind people into working life and society
Defend member's rights
Represent and protect the interests of the blind before public and private institutions
At CALISA (Literacy and social integration centre for the blind) we work to improve the quality of life of blind people. With our team of passionate and dedicated professionals, we believe in a world where every blind person can live a full and independent life.